Sunday, 18 March 2012

Justin Bieber Fans Gloat over Selena Gomez Sighting at L.A Hospital

As the civilized world now knows, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted at L.A.'s Cedars Sinai Medical Center on March 16, where Selena reportedly had unspecified blood tests. Many of JB's fans were naturally concerned about their idol's girlfriend. Many, but not all. Some Beliebers were absolutely ecstatic, and they weren't shy about expressing their shameless Schadenfreudeby posting comments to those very same fan sites. Some simply took advantage of yet another chance to diss Selena Gomez and Jelena. Some brought up the old rumors of the possibility of a Gomez pregnancy. Still others openly wished for Selena's serious accident, injury, or death.

"I dont like selena i hate her!!" wrote one. "If she kills herself she wont be missed not even by her family considering she never does anything for them."
Some more sane—er—less jealous fans tried to talk some sense into their hater—er—sister Beliebers.
"This breaks my heart," wrote one young voice of reason. "to see you so-called belibers...that wish selena was dead... This is not what justin would want and if you think thats gona win him over so he will date you insted you are...insane. I dont like that we are tering justin down we are supose to come together and care for justin. We sould sopport his disisoin with selena. I know im a real beleiber because im not...selfesh and heartless like you guys."
Well said, but sadly, the above Belieber was ignored.
"To u jelenators talkin ur sh*t talk to me then f*** u ok--its a FREE country [and i] can say whatever i want!!" wrote the angry fan. "Its obvious since nothing happened, it was a publicity stunt! Selena is soooo obvious that she would do something like that! I wish jelena can break up already! Then no more drama! Better yet if selena broke her leg! No wait! She should jump off the statue of liberty! It will kill her and there will no drama forever!!!"
Well, there's certainly plenty of drama on the JB fan sites since Selena and the Biebs were photographed exiting Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Eventually, the world will no doubt find out why Selena was there, why she had blood drawn, and what, if anything, was wrong. However, after perusing this disturbing collection of messages, the real question is: Why can't these young people—Beliebers, Selenators, and Jelenators alike—dispense with all the hate and just get along? Sadly, there's an answer to that too.
The shockingly venomous sentiments expressed by the jealous beliebers coupled with the misogynistic slurs used in some of their more obscene anti-Selena Gomez posts--"evil, ugly, sl**, and "c********* amy winehouse wannabee" for example--are a sad commentary on the way the sexist society has already brainwashed tween and teen girls to hate each other--and, although they're unaware of it--to hate themselves. Unfortunately, these girls are too young to understand that by using such language to humiliate a woman they've never even met, they're demeaning all women including themselves. These angry, clueless young girls will make great Kim Kardashian bashers when they're a little older.
No hate, angry beliebers. Just saying.
Note: Wonder what Justin Bieber thinks of his fan "family" after reading these comments?


  1. Awww..I love Jelena <3 -Ashhley

  2. 0k!! I'll control myself :/


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